From left: OKA Lamp // JOHN DERIAN Paperweight // // DIPTYQUE Candle // PRISMACOLOR Markers // BRIDIE HALL Cup // JOHN DERIAN Cup

Despite the fact that it’s summer, working from home is still very much a reality for most of us. (Read: I normally would have waited to post on this until September when we’re all in that “back-to-school” mood, but, really, what is time right now?) I’m a firm believer that having a beautiful work space that I enjoy motivates me to actually get things done. I find this to be true now more than ever.

Though I’ve worked from home for years, all the recent time spent at home has made me reexamine my own workspace. It’s made me want to give it a little refresh with a few new desktop additions like this lamp, a gorgeous pair of gold scissors (who knew scissors could make me so happy?), and a fresh set of my favorite markers. It’s amazing the jolt of productivity that can come from the simplest things like a new notebook. Am I right?

Below, a quick shopping list with all of my favorite desktop and office additions – from a chic paperclips to a houseplant found via Amazon – to give your #WFH life a little boost.

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