

If you follow me on IG then you already know: he’s here. Our son, George (named after my grandfather), arrived late last month. He is perfect and the absolute love of my life.

The last month has been such a whirlwind. I felt like time moved at a snail’s pace during pregnancy, but now it’s the total opposite: it’s going way too fast. At times, I wish I could slow it down. The only way I know how to do that is to really sit in the moment. I’ve spent the last four weeks doing exactly that, being present with George. I really did my best to tune other things out and spend my days focused on loving George. Not only did it allow me time to heal (postpartum recovery is no joke), but I feel like it gave me an opportunity to really get to know my son and what our life looks like as a family of four (Lucy, too!).

I can’t help but feel incredibly grateful for this special time. Happy (almost) Thanksgiving.

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